Public Works FAQs

Collection dates are the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays from April through November. This is done by the City’s Department of Public Works at no additional cost to residents.

● This is for fallen branches or minor tree trimming done by the property owner. The City will not collect brush or branches from trees that have been removed by a tree removal service.
● Place brush piles, no greater than 4 feet high, neatly at the curb with all the cut ends in the same direction, preferably with the ends facing away from the direction of traffic.
● This is for large branches and limbs over 4 feet in length. The main branch stem should have a minimum diameter of 1 inch and not be greater than 6 inches. (For the safety of employees, very small branches or sticks will not be collected.)
● Brush contaminated with dirt, vines, stumps, stones or metal cannot be chipped and will not be collected.

Leaf pickup is in the Fall only (no leaf pickup in the Spring). Do not bag your leaves. Any changes to the dates on the calendar will be on the City website and on the City’s Facebook page. If you live on Grand River Avenue, do not put them in the street, only rake to the curb. All other areas, if the leaves are not in the street, they will not be picked up.

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