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The Williamston Police Department participates in the Capital Area Take Back Meds/Drugs Drop Off program.  You can bring them to the Police Department between the hours of 8am - 5 pm, Monday through Friday.  City Hall is not able to accept your medications.  You can also take your medications to a pharmacy.

Pistol registrations can be placed in the drop box at City Hall.  Please make sure you keep the purchaser copy.  We need the licensing authority copy.  It may also say MSP copy or Registry copy.

What work is being done? The City of Williamston has contracted with Iron Horse Excavating to undertake the 2023 Utility Improvements project on Williams Street and Lloyd Street. The work will include reconstruction of water main, maintenance to the sanitary sewer, and mill and fill of both roads. What is the schedule for this project?...

On Wednesday, March 20, 2024, the outdoor warning siren system will be activated throughout the county at 1pm EDT as part of the statewide tornado drill. THIS IS ONLY A TEST! Use that time to consider what your options will be for safely sheltering if an actual tornado was threatening. This event is scheduled as...

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