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(Taxable value/1000 x millage rate) x 1.01 (administrative fee) = tax amount

When ownership is transferred on a property, the valuation is "uncapped". The SEV is the new starting point for a buyer and the capping process starts all over again on the property until another transfer of ownership occurs.  Beginning December 31, 2013 (PA 497 of 2012), the transfer of residential real property (homestead or non-homestead)...

Capped value is the lesser of +5% or the Consumer Price Index (CPI) applied to prior year's taxable value.  The formula to compute is: (Prior year's taxable value - losses) x (5% or CPI, whichever is lowest) + additions = capped value.  The process continues until there is change in ownership (transfer) which would cause...

Taxable value was created by the passage of Proposal A in 1994. Property taxes are based on taxable value, not the SEV. Taxable value = Lesser of assessed value or capped value.

In 1994 Proposal A brought significant changes to the State's Property Tax System.  However, Proposal A did not change standard assessment practices; all real and personal property must still be assessed at 50% of its true cash value.  Proposal A created a different value (taxable value) for property taxes to be calculated on.  Taxes are...

Assessed Value is 50% of estimated fair market value which is determined by the City Assessor.  Assessed values change with the market year to year.  The assessor does not create value, but simply has the legal responsibility to determine it and value the property accordingly.

All property may be divided into two major categories: Real Property and Personal Property. Real Property is generally defined as land and all things attached to the land. Interest, benefits, and rights inherent in the ownership of physical real estate. Personal Property which consists of movable items not permanently affixed to, or part of, the...

If you need a copy of your crash report that occurred in the City, please go to the LexisNexis website:  For customer assistance with LexisNexis call 1-866-215-2771.

Unpaid personal property taxes will result in a loss of that personal property to the local unit of government.

Click here to see a chart showing how every tax dollar paid to the City is disbursed.

If you want a receipt of your tax bill, please provide a stamped self-addressed envelope.  You may also get this information from the City’s website.

This is the tax payer copy.  We have also forwarded a copy to your Mortgage Company or financial institution if there is a number next to “Mort Code”.  If you have recently changed lending institutions, please forward a copy of this statement to your tax paying agent.  Your agent should then request further statements from...

Unpaid property taxes go delinquent to the County Treasurer on March 1, and additional penalties and fees are added. All questions and payments from then on must be handled by the Ingham County Treasurer’s office. Call the County Treasurer’s office at 517-676-7220 for more information.

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