Water and Sewer
Williamston, MI 48895
Water & Sewer
The water distribution in the City serves a population of approximately 3,850. It provides potable water service to residents within the City, as well as portions of Williamstown Township through the 425 service agreements. The system is comprised of a water treatment plant and five (5) well pump stations, and approximately 116.61 million gallons of water, or approximately 319,482 gallons per day and treated with chlorine.
The sanitary collection system in the City serves a population of approximately 3,850. It provides sanitary sewer service to all of the current residents within the City, as well as portions of Williamstown and Wheatfield Townships through the 425 service agreements. The system is comprised of nine (9) pump stations, approximately three miles of force main, and twenty-one miles of gravity sanitary sewer.